Postpartum Care with Sacred Roots Birth & Wellness Center

Postpartum Care with Sacred Roots Birth & Wellness Center

Postpartum Care with Sacred Roots Birth & Wellness Center

We all know that taking care of yourself during pregnancy is super important, and most mothers are mindful of incorporating that into their routine. Unfortunately, we often have so much of our attention on baby in the postpartum period that we forget to carry on this practice of self-care when it is critically important.

At Sacred Roots Birth and Wellness Center, we understand the importance of postpartum care and make sure our clients are taken care of after they have had their baby.


What is postpartum care, and why is it important?


The postpartum period generally refers to the first six weeks after the delivery. Care provided during this period is postpartum care

During the postpartum period, you’re adjusting to a lot of different changes in your life, routine, and even your body as it’s adjusting to your new normal. Care provided during this period helps you navigate these adjustments in your life as well as potential emotional and mental health issues that you may encounter.

Postpartum care also focuses on breastfeeding guidance and issues regarding lactation.

Postpartum care is important to promote a mother’s health and ensure that she’s in a state fit enough to take care of her baby. It helps create a nurturing environment for both the mother and the baby.

Postpartum care also helps prevent complications such as postpartum depression, postpartum infections, and other physical issues that may arise.


How long do you need postpartum care?


The postpartum period starts from after your delivery until your baby is around 6 weeks old. Most women have settled into their new role after this period. However, if your healthcare provider feels that you need additional follow-ups, they may call you back for another visit.


Schedule Of Postpartum Care At Sacred Roots:


  1. Early discharge to home 
  2. Phone call following discharge 
  3. Postpartum/newborn home visit 
  4. 1-2 week postpartum visit 
  5. 4-6 week postpartum visit


If you have any other questions regarding our postpartum care schedule or services, feel free to reach out or ask your midwife at any of your routine visits!