How Many People Can Be At My Birth?

How Many People Can Be At My Birth?

How Many People Can Be At My Birth?

One of the most crucial elements of drafting a birth plan is deciding who you want on your birth team. Since labor and birth are special times in your life, the people who accompany you can make all the difference.


There are no restrictions on who or how many people you invite to your birth. This is your special day and we don’t want anything special of yours to miss out on it. But, we do have some advice from our years of experience on which people contribute best to a great birth experience.


Who Can Come To My Birth?

In addition to your partner and doula, you can consider having your friends, parents, or even other children at birth as long as you feel comfortable with it. We just request that children under 18 be accompanied by a supervising adult for their safety.


Your family and friends are also welcome to use our family room and kitchenette instead of being in the room with you.


Who will be in the room from Sacred Roots?

We’ll discuss your birth team as part of your birth plan in the days leading up to your delivery. Your midwife will be present throughout your labor, birth, and early postpartum period as well as a birth assistant. 


Who should I have at my birth?

While there are no restrictions on who you invite to your birth, we recommend having a limited number of close people such as your partner, doula, or a close friend at your birth. Since birth is an intimate process, having a lot of people around may make you nervous or anxious which may hinder the progress of labor.


Of course, once you have your baby friends and family can visit you whenever they want. Most people will be discharged from the birth center within 4-6 hours. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!